Wednesday 14 March 2012

Time and time again we've been told to enjoy the simple things in life. Today, I can say that I successfully enjoyed Wednesday. I do not want to write down my routine but unfortunately I must because I am too happy. It was such a struggle getting out of bed this, I actually managed to wake up just to open my window and got back into bed. (I think I made some progress)

My friend and I went into town to meet a group regarding our class project. These are some of the most inspiring people I have been blessed to know. They are just like you and I, same value except they are impaired. Just talking to them and laughing was such a reminder of how gifted we are. We have not bribed God with our "goodness" to give us the life we have. We are so undeserving and ungrateful so many times but God still blesses us. Today I remembered to be grateful for the blessings in my life. I hope to find something everyday to remind me of how good I have it even when I feel like I have it worst.

I was able to laugh, mostly because I managed to make myself laugh by having mental conversations. I was surrounded by good people with beautiful hearts. I had long conversations with my friends on phone, chatting back and forth. I am having a relationship with my phone and it's a good relationship. (Wedding date TBC). I had lunch with my pockets. (Pockets is a nickname for a friend not my actual pockets), watched a movie with my candy, went to the store and got magazines for soulie and I (magazines are such a good distraction) and talked for hours to Amber. Yes, today I can safely say that I enjoyed the simple things in life, didn't lack and didn't need. I was just happy to be alive and blessed with the gift of a day!

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