Be optimistic and other things

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Hello beautiful people. 
We are alive and well and if anything is going wrong today, just breathe and remember this, 'you are alive.' May that be enough for a while.

I have zero resolutions this year. Yay! I just have a list of 25 things in my vision book that I need to get done. One of them was getting off my blog and creating a bigger platform to express myself further (as if you've not had enough of me). I seriously need to stop thinking that the Kardashians and I are family. 

I hope you will enjoy this new platform, do subscribe and spread it like confetti. I thank you in advance. The most awesome news is that I will have some guest features am speaking globe trotters, chefs, etc. Isn't that exciting? Who knows we might even publish a book. I'm just saying...New year, not new me but new website


Your mind friend