...happiness wherever you go...

Monday 26 March 2012

We owe it to God to be happy and we have to stop investing in other people to make us happy. They were not born to solely make you happy, even Britney knows that it's a lie (I was born to make you happy!). I think it's okay to be selfish with yourself. Why try to please someone over and over again like an "apple" commercial? I am a firm believer in trying to make things work such as friendships, electronics, machinery,marriage. e.t.c. I am a sucker for all sorts of "happy endings" but even I respect the rule "one must give up when their true happiness is compromised."  

People are just people and yes we shall disappoint each other. Sometimes it comes from a good place, sometimes it doesn't BUT it is okay to LET GO when you have had enough...It is okay to not be okay with a situation. Do not let some "empty" heart leave you bitter or feeling like you are not worth loving.
We make things so complicated by creating formulae, making all sorts of excuses yet it really is that simple. We don't have to please anyone if it's going to suffocate us and flat-line our joy and happiness.
You are awesome, and it's okay if no one acknowledges that because GOD does. 
Breathe a little and Lose yourself in happiness...

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go." Oscar Wilde 


  1. "We owe it to God to be happy and we have to stop investing in other people to make us happy."

    NOIICE!!!!! xxx

  2. This is amazing and so eye opening! Truth.com LOVE it and You!! i was born to make you happ..EH! wait.. i guess that means i wont be able to say that again...

    1. no...you are allowed to say it...don't abandon the phrase...:-) thank you...I guess I have good people around me. love you too

  3. Too true. Pleasing everyone=Pleasing no one=Unhappiness. Disappointment should not leave us with feelings of bitterness and inadequacy. Thanks for reminding us once more, Karungi.xx

  4. Inadequacy has got to be the worst feeling ever...and everyday one has to wakeup determined to live as magnificently as they can...hard some days but it's all pays off when we try.xxx

  5. Evelyn thank you for being an example of a happy person by default. You are just such a joy, and the happiness and contentment one can see in you causes others to want what you have!

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