Wednesday 29 February 2012

"there's no such thing as window shopping"
I like shops...all kinds of shops only when I have the "means". I wouldn't call myself a shopaholic because I do not possess such qualifications but I like to indulge in one or two or six items once in a while. So this week started off well, I got out my list of "to do things" and I made a promise to myself that  I would leave campus and go into town to buy a few presents for my friends and get them posted imminently. In all honesty I didn't consider myself as a menace to my bank card but a revelation has been made known and I'll be damned if I do not take heed. 

I started with one little shop, it was so pretty, had all these cardboards, colours and ribbons. First thought that came to my mind was "Take the cardboards, glue and glitter. You've always wanted to create your own cards plus imagine how much fun you'll have cutting all the pieces of paper!" I got a basket and dropped in whatever my hand could pick. Second thought "Remember those sewing classes you had and you produced that horrendous apron with one belt way shorter than the other? This is your time to shine and prove to yourself that your sewing skills have grown with your age." (self Competition is so foolish at times.) I put colourful thread and a sewing kit in my basket humming to a cover of Ne-yo and Rihanna's "hate that i love you" (which by the way was a disastrous attempt, don't get me started).
Reality set in when I was walking to the counter to pay for  my "goodies" and wisdom knocked stupidity out of the way. Was I gonna pay with my big eyes? I dropped the basket on the floor and walked out with shame. Third thought "hobbycraft is overrated anyway!"

Finally moving on to what brought me to the mall, I have my friends and their personalities in mind as I pick out their gifts that I have procrastinated for months. I keep putting stuff in the bag but not looking at the prices hoping for some miracle that when I get to the pay point, the server will be so sweet and pack my items without charging me a penny! I feel the bag getting heavier, a sign that I should probably be taking some clothes out and heading for the exit. I came in to spend less than 30 minutes, but here I am, time moving so fast only to realise I have spent 2 hours of my life choosing between a plain white t-shirt and another plain white t-shirt like my life depended on it and neither of these t-shirts were for the people who were the core reason for my mall visit!

I joined the queue, making my way to the till and happy with everything in my bag. In fact, I nodded to myself as a sign of approval and if it wasn't for the heaviness of the bag, a pat on the shoulder was in order. The lady ceased to be nice when she "blurted" out the amount to pay. You wouldn't believe what happened? I laughed out so loud because I am that ridiculous. Bless her soul, she laughed with me. Easy for her, because she was selling me temptation. I walked out with my nice burden as I was too afraid of asking her to remove some items. 
Now I foresee days characterised with meagre resources, and I have learned my lesson that wallets and malls are not synonymous and that one must keep those two worlds separate.


  1. LOL I absolutelyyyyyy relate, why are we so afraid to the the people at the till to remove some items if the wallet is saying no!

    1. yayness, found it!!!!! it's weird why we are afraid yet we are paying for them...I think we should start leaving the wallets home intentionally!

  2. HAHAHA but your shopping bad manners are so similar to mine they need to go on a date...too much in common!!!.... But for the self competition...anything but sewing E, you and I both know you sent your uniform home to get sewn and we know why that was..don't even get me started LOL

    1. self competition is going to be the death of me, try it out sometime...about that date....set the day and time and I will be ready! And we all know i sewed that uniform like a shrewd servant, nothing like "foreign" help.
