Wednesday 1 February 2012

Dear sweet thing,
Today is such a cold day, 2 degrees celsius to be precise...I have literally clothed myself in ALL the contents of my closet including my handkerchiefs! I was quite productive, I studied without complaining like the Israelites, I laughed, I listened, I forgave, I loved and so I feel like I deserve to treat myself to chips from sultan's kebab shop in coventry with the gang. I like days like these, counting my blessings and counting some twice. I'd probably want to go feed ducks with you, telling you about my long day, laughing at people who are dressed for spring and then you would make a comment on my clothes because I always manage to get it wrong weather wise. (I do have a craving for sunshine). You'd probably want to hold my hand and because of my emotional incapability at times I would laugh nervously, sometimes you let it slide, some other times you would grab my hand regardless of the initial struggle, wonder what you'll do the next time?

We'd banter and giggle like little 12 year old girls...see, that's the thing about spending time with you, it never gets boring or tedious or always manage to have a "stash" of story upon story for every moment. I have never found anyone who gives such good stories...well, I have found one or two but problem is they aren't you. Your stories are always inclusive. That's what makes you so special, your ability to make everyone feel comfortable around you. You manage to include the gang in your life, You seriously honor "what's mine is yours", no one can't help but love are just that awesome.    
We'd walk back together probably making a complaint about the weather or hunger or how our bodies have failed to be whipped into fine shape and want our money back, always encouraging each other! I'd tell you about a person who merely displeased me and you'd quickly protect me from them and you'd shake your head and express utter disdain that such people who did nothing but make me unhappy graced the earth with their presence.

See, you manage to make me feel like you're my earthly protector made by God just for me. There's nothing too shameful to talk about or too simple to pass for trivia...small and large you give it the same attention. Ever wonder why we hover around you? So maybe I will see you soon and we'll embrace and you'll feed my eager soul with some of your tales. I hope that your day was as delightful as mine. If it wasn't, don't you worry your pretty head, for I have the little miss sunshine seal of approval and I will make you SMILE.


  1. I think this is my FAVE so far! Its so raw and so real..Its you.. I absolutely love it and love the way you are talking about your friends..A life without a a sister like you is one that is not worth imagining.The creator trully had me in mind when he made you.. I couldn't be more grateful! You live by actions and not just words thats why i can say with much certainty that you are a more precious than gold... more valuable than silver.

    1. lools KT! i actually laughed so hard at your anonymity attempt...well done you. thank you...but you know KT deserves the spotlight...

  2. this is so precious...i hope you're friend knows she's privileged to have you in her life too...if my friend spoke of my so highly i would be humbled and honored..super psyched that you had a lovely day

    1. awwness but why do you flatter me so??i will grow wings and fly away..thank you inky

  3. She deserves this!!!!.... and you my dear are extremely talented V...i have NEVER read anything with such ease.. this makes me think of forever and somehow all i wanted to do when i got done is hug my loved ones. this isn't silly flattery honestly, the Bible frowns upon it and you know i am not one to go on and on about things like that. but this.. this is Brilliant

    1. you did?you did?excited smile...thank you..i have a speech in my mind but am afraid to be judged because it's one of those...lools...but yes we are very lucky to be loved by people so many times we forget it is a privilege and not a

  4. love it....yaaayy my brownilocks :)
