How tough was your break-up? more chocolate please...

Monday 8 October 2012

"Relationships are harder now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls, feelings became subliminal messages online, sex became easy. The word 'LOVE' gets used out of context, insecurities have become your way of thinking. Getting jealous became a habit, trust has been lost, cheating became an accident, leaving became the only option and being hurt became natural"

For my refreshing raindrop...

The moment you mentally establish and realise that whatever sort of relationship you had with a certain male person has come to its expiration date has got to be the most awkward, funniest and low moments a girl can experience. Oh yes, and that question, 'who dumped who?' ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? In my time of distress and sorrow you're going to ask me such a disrespectful question? SERIOUSLY? Errr why don't you go and eat a wet frog and don't forget to take your question with you. Honest to goodness, some times we are so cruel to those hurting emotionally.

There are many reasons why people "break up", the first is the infamous cheating, followed by its despicable half siblings lies and general bad manners. Of course the lesser evil list isn't to be forgotten...falling out of 'like' or 'love' with each other, it isn't's me type of reasons (wait, that should be closely behind cheating), the good old long distance and apparently short distance too. The list is long so I'll save us from those minuscule details.

It really doesn't matter what your reason is, we can all agree on one thing that boy oh boy do we suffer from the terrors of heartbreak and heart bruises. That aftermath characterised  by endless tears (anything less than shower hour and dim lights doesn't suffice) really, if you're gonna cry your heart out make it memorable, 'I want to kill you punch your one eye out' ipod playlist, going crazy trying to figure out what you did wrong? what's not right with you, oppressive and constant memories of what used to be that just won't quit! and of course, missing that significant ex so much that you wish you could throw a rock at his face so he could know how much it hurt. 

We desire to properly hate that ex and actually mean it so it could hurt a little less for us and yet still wish to be embraced by the same person, like his embrace would consume all your pain away. You feel scared that you might never heal from it all, for every stitch on your heart is frail and likely to come undone every time you cross paths. yes 'we are never so vulnerable as when we love' and I know moving on is as hard as walking on toothpicks. I have good news for you, being single is not an STD, it doesn't tone down your awesomeness... plus you don't have to anticipate any break-ups...what a relief!

I literally beg of you, please do NOT hate your ex...well I know in some situations it's hard but make peace with the situation as it is. There's nothing heavier than carrying a burden that shouldn't be yours. Baggage shouldn't be part of your new life, you're not a camel or a scania let it go.  Some exes need to be out of your life. It doesn't mean that they are bad people, it means they died in the first 3 minutes of the movie...(yes Chris Brown remember how you met death so fast in stomp the yard?)

Like seriously, I wish it was mandatory to sign contracts before stepping into a happy go lucky relationship that conveniently ends in a sticky situation. A detailed contract of 5000 words with pictorial evidence of what to expect if all comes tumbling down. I for one would really appreciate that, maybe we would reconsider taking some steps. 

I do promise that if your heart is in the right place, everything will get better, you'll put that chocolate bar down, stop sulking all the time and regain a hold of your've got so much more to live for and it is  such an amazing life you have. Do not burn your brain out trying to figure out where it went wrong or what's wrong with you, honey...there is absolutely nothing wrong with you...people are just trying to figure themselves out too.


  1. YAY you wrote this on my birthday well u posted it on my birthday...hihih that aside...yes yes and yes so honest and I not only relate i concur....couldn't have said it better. You're crazy talent is like food to my soul

    1. Why thank you for being so kind, you know I share the same exact sentiments with you on so many things you've so gladly shared with....honesty heals us

  2. I completely agree...i for one believe in making peace with exes...i believe if it didnt work out its because God was saving me from something and preparing me for something even be thankful for the experience and memories, learn from it and move on...this was definitely a good read

    1. God works in mysterious ways,sometimes painful but I wish we could just listen and learn....thank you for appreciating my dear.

  3. Indeed there aint no pain like heartbreak hotel! It's such a horrible stay! But yes peace and reconciliation are always good and listening and waiting on God for the right person even better!

  4. just read this article loved it... you're real and seem so sincere... i think that's what i like most about this post, i'm going to read more of your posts now, super Psyched :D

  5. Thank you so much Kakazi...:-) I hope you like the rest
