Be Still

Monday 1 October 2012

I had a crazy Monday morning icited by the 'just a little more time in bed' procedure. I was ready to let myself fall apart and I quickly remembered how well that had worked out a fortnight back...So I conquered the Monday morning blues...that in my books simply means I am on top of IT the whole week.

So when all is spinning and life's filled with turmoil, stop for a minute and STILL yourself. Breathe in and out, say a little or a big prayer and suddenly all will unravel like a red woolen glove...(yes yes lady in Spain).
If we don't still ourselves, we are most likely to sweat profusely, curse and probably do or say something we will soon regret. Apparently all that sweating and cursing yields very little. There really is so much movement in stillness.

"No thought, no action, no movement, total stillness. Only thus can one manifest the true nature and law of things from within and unconsciously, and at last become one with heaven and earth." Lao Tzu