Open letter: The Need To Declutter

Monday 2 March 2015

I have received such positive views with the open letters, so I thought I would write one tonight. I apologize for being MIA in February. I actually didn't notice that I had not written at all that month. Well, I guess this post sure is a sign that I need to unplug and reprioritize. 

Open letter

Oh My Life, can you believe it’s March? How long was February though? What was going on with that? I am so excited that we are springing forward this weekend. I come alive in Springtime! Two words to describe winter – Positively Exhausting!

Ever feel like you’ve neglected yourself? Your room is a mess, you haven’t had regular breakfast in a while, your clothes are horrible (I mean I actually wore a rose colored skirt, pantyhose, knee high socks and wait for it...UGGS), and the only thing you have together is your sleep schedule? You too?  Glad I am not the only one. I have neglected myself these past two months and I want to rectify that this month. 

I have made up my mind to disconnect. I know we live in a rapid, instant world and we need our apps and emails and tweets, but I need this for myself. I need to breathe. I am begging me for it.
I need to be present.  I need to remember things. I need to put myself in order. I need to declutter. I need to be on top of stuff not underneath it. I need to veet my legs!!!

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed and you think this is something that might help you out but you don’t know what to do, well I have a few ideas of what I’m going to do, feel free to get ideas from these.

The first step is to find a day or days that work for you and then DO IT. Just unplug for a while. With all the constant demand for an instant reaction, it gives things false urgency. Like if you do not respond to a text, the world is going to crumble. I have found myself in that position, where I’m like ‘what took you so long to reply my texts? You literally read it two minutes after I sent it and you’re responding after 5 minutes. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?’ I need this, I need to unplug before I become a needy hen.

Activities for my unplug time.
I’m going to take longer baths; my bathroom faces Manhattan, at night the lights come on, and the skyline is reflected on the Hudson River.  It is literary the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I’ll be having more of those soaks while listening to some Billy Paul.

What else will I do? I’m going to eat ice cream. I have been in a steady relationship with ice cream for 20 something years. I need to rekindle that and keep things spiced up. I bless the parents of the minds behind whole foods. 'I thank you for giving birth to such brilliant minds.' I could never express eloquently what their ice cream has done for my life. Oh wow, things suddenly just got deep.

Clean my room, yes that should have been first on my list of to do things. I know that once I actually get all the clothes to their right place, all will fall in order. I will even put some fresh flowers to set the room mood and atmosphere. I have this vintage looking vase that I bought for one dollar in the $0.99 store and it has been begging me to put it to good use. You’ll be amazed at what you can find in that store. I think they actually sell cats too (That's false). This vase is unbreakable. Well worth my hard earned monies.

Send out those birthday mails from last year. I am that person who sends gifts five months after the day of the birthday. I am not sure why I take so long, when the post is literally across the road from my home. Also known as ‘see…the way my account is set up’

Take out my braids that have been borderline nightmare-ish. I actually regret having them, because I didn’t take as many selfies as I had expected (because that’s what you do when you get braids). They just made my head heavy for no good reason. Between my braids and NJ-NY public transportation, am not sure which one I dislike more. It is a very stiff competition.

I hope to reprioritise where necessary, be more organised, and balanced from that time off. I think it’s going to be really quiet but rewarding. I can hardly wait to start. 

'Women need to hear from other women'. I am all about supporting women and girls to achieve their dreams and help others on their way up. I would like to thank WomenWerk for recognizing, creating a platform and promoting women led businesses. 

This Sunday is International Women’s Day and Eve and Nico Crafts and Home Décor will be at New York University, Global Centre, 238 Thompson Street, New York, NY 10012.
I have also been tirelessly working on this amazing website do check it out.

Pinterest: @handmadeDecorNY
Instagram: @eveandniconyc
Twitter: @EveandNicoNYC


  1. I feel you on that "I need to veet my legs" part. Thank you for this reminder, I need to take some time off to declutter. On my part it'll include lots of writing.

  2. T.i.m.e.l.y piece :-)

    *Deep sigh* <<There goes part one of my process! O need to find a to-go-to comfort food..hihi

  3. I love your open letters and even more... I feel you!!!!! I need a full get-a-way trip!
