My Thoughts

Friday 8 March 2013

This week we shall start off with my playlist...

The game of love - Michelle Branch and Santana
When I was your man - Bruno Mars
MIRRORS - Justin Timberlake (my mental husband of 22 years)
Like the morning dew - Laura Mvula
Every time you go away - GloriaGaynor
Come away with me - Norah Jones


Lately, well this week more than usual... I have had mostly sad thoughts. I have so many questions and no satisfying answers to put my poor brain to rest. See... my problem is simple, I get too deep into 'the what's not right in this world' and then I brood over that till kingdom come. 
Does it frighten me to be human? yes, it scares me a lot. We do not know what we are capable of. I know good things and bad things have to coexist, and call me naive but I really wish for a world free from war, hate, disease and famine. 
I am trying to enclose my mind around all the atrocities that have taken place in the past and the present one...(see my life?) Trying to find explanations to all the wars, I have taken time to educate myself and research about them and all these governments to get a logic explanation but no matter how much I want to believe its bigger than man...the answer is right in front of my eyes... man is the root cause of most evil. My discovery was not new or shocking, it is simple...we are selfish human beings, if it does not concern us then we cannot be bothered. We want power, we want to be esteemed, we want to be feared, we want to be the last one standing. We take and take more than we give, and yet somehow we expect to receive more like we are entitled to it. The people who have done the least to cause these horrid situations have suffered the most for them. 

I am not going to name countries, or peoples or governments because we all know of at least one or two countries or a group of people suffering, like that is their sole purpose on this suffer endlessly! It's like the world has written some peoples off...
What can we do? Us, the small beings only taking up 1% or less of the world's space? In my very unscholarly opinion, I believe in much as we all have a dark spot, our good spot has the ability to drown out the be good, be good politicians, be good citizens, be good leaders wherever you have been placed in this life. Maybe, just maybe one person can start a trend that will leave some "actual earth" for our greatest grand children. I know things take time but who ever believed THEN that slavery, ethnic cleansing, racial segregation among others would be history? or Genocide, rape, child soldiering made international crimes? Someone was good enough to want better for the rest of human kind, whoever that person was, let's join him or her because the world needs good citizens... the world needs peace makers...the world needs YOU.


  1. stumbled upon uo blog smhw ....nd literali ol of them...sooo awesome....u have amaziingg talent.....kip doing wat u do ....nd ul touch pipoz lives u dnt even kno....including myn

  2. Thank you so glad they connected with you. Thank you for

  3. Matthew 15:19 " For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander" Such is the nature of humans my dear, but we do have a hope of renewed salvation and deliverance through Christ. He has the power to change all evil for good.

  4. The World Bank and
    (IMF) are two of the most powerful international
    financial institutions in the world. They are the
    major sources of lending to African countries,
    and use the loans they provide as leverage to
    prescribe policies and dictate major changes in
    the economies of these countries.

    The WB is the largest public development institution
    in the world, lending over $24b+ of which over $5 billion about 22% heads
    to Africa.

    The WB and IMF are controlled by the richest countries, particularly the US,
    which is the main shareholder in both.
    The WB, hq'd in DC, follows a “one dollar, one vote”
    system whereby members with the greatest
    financial contributions have the greatest say in
    decision making. The US holds roughly 17% of
    the vote in the WB and the 49(I think with S.Sudan the newest) sub saharan African countries together have less than
    9% of the votes.

    The Group of 7(G-7) control 45% of WB votes. This
    system ensures that the bank and IMF act
    in the interest of the rich countries, promoting a
    model of economic growth (neo-liberal)
    that benefits the richest countries and the
    international private sector.

    Over the past 20 somerhing years the poorest countries have had to turn increasingly to the bank and IMF for financial assistance,
    because their impoverishment has made it
    impossible for them to borrow elsewhere. The
    WB and IMF attach strict conditions to
    their loans, which give them great control over
    borrower governments.

    On average, low income
    countries are subject to as many as 67
    conditions per WB loan.
    countries, in need of new loans, have had no
    choice but to accept these conditions.
    The WB and IMF have forced African
    countries to adopt structural adjustment
    programs and other measures which cut
    back government spending on basic services.
    They have required African governments to
    reduce trade barriers and open their markets,
    maintaining their economies as sources of cheap
    raw materials and cheap labor for multinational

    And with that, Diane has stated the only hope and best "BANK", Uganda and Africa in general or basically the impoverished in the world can rely on.

    Good thought though, hu..(sorry)..buddy. :)

  5. There is so much bad in the world that sometimes it feels as if there is no hope but let me tell you where there is light, we have hope and the light will consume the darkness. So in that sense we need not focus on the bad but the good that can be done by every individual to alleviate the bad. We should be so consumed with doing good for others that the bad is simply diminished until it goes away. We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us!
