My Bloggables

Monday 27 May 2013

Before I wrote this post, I had planned to wear some red lipstick, mascara on my eye lashes and feel extremely feminine. Guess what? I am writing this post with nothing but chapped lips and naked eye lashes, and I still feel feminine. I have many bloggable scribbles on my notes app that I am gonna share with you today, and before I go on to write endlessly I want to know this; HOW ARE YOU TODAY? (answer to yourself) and I hope you are fine and happy:-)

Hashtag No new friends: Isn't it strange how we were all at some point just strangers to each other? (let that sink in). I have been seeing this everywhere, and it had me questioning myself why I wasn't part of the frenzy. I didn't even know what the whole 'no new friends' thing meant until google helped me out. Turns out Drake and his crew decided that they don't want new friends, or something along those lines (I had to use metro lyrics to help me understand why, and nope! I don't understand the message behind the song). If I tell myself that 'no new friends', I am certainly going to block awesome people who have the potential to bless me.
A few weeks back, I made a new friend, she is extremely lovely, inspiring, beautiful and if she were an outfit I would want to put her own. (I hope that doesn't sound creepy). Just last week, I met this person who I got along with effortlessly like we had been old friends in another life. After an hour and a half of nothing but abdominal laughter and hurting cheekbones, he had inspired me to be kind, graceful, generous and motivated me to go out and be smart about life. Yes, of course have your inner circle, but do not be so closed off...this is life and people are very volatile. Even those in your inner circle have the potential to do to you the unimaginable and those who could have made the cut to feature in your life might be your heroes. Excuse me Drake and the gang, I refuse to join the 'no new friends' movement.

Insanity: Oh My Life...I finally started the Insanity work out. I underestimated it because I like to consider myself physically fit. (I cannot say that with a straight face. I lie, I am very far from fit) So after the first 6 seconds of the Fit test, your girl was refraining from throwing up in the gym. I cheated my way through that work out and during the 'cool down' stretches my legs were shaking uncontrollably. Could Tanya be any more ambitious? (Chandler style) I wish she could take my body, work it out for me and then kindly return it to me ripped and toned! I am still debating whether I should continue this work out, my body is weak. Anyone out there doing it? I need more motivation.

Be the best version of yourself: I think there is something wrong with inordinately desiring someone else's life. This desire has the ability to bring out the worst in us. When we feel like we are not enough for us, we readily and quickly plot the downfall of others. Our actions are an outward expression of the state of our hearts. We have a habit of calling out each other on social networks (one of my followers (oomf) is a liar, oomf is a cheat, Face book status: I hate backstabbers, I hate villains, I dislike boring people. etc). Hi, excuse me but have you examined yourself? Do we not do half the things we accuse others of doing? No one wants to be around negative energy, it is so draining. Take this challenge and examine what character trait you dislike about yourself. Then, find ways to improve your character. We all have things we do or say that are not healthy for us but we can be better people.

Some things to do to be your best version.
1. Compliment people if you're one of those people who has absolutely nothing nice to say about anything or anyone.
2. Do something good to someone so underserving of your time (preferably someone who has betrayed your trust, someone who has caused you emotional pain)
3. Forgive it all, just forgive and let it go. When we don't forgive we are weighed down with bitterness, resentment, really though, 'ain't no body got time for that.' Choose FREEDOM
4. Let your actions speak louder than your words. I know we have the ability to slay a noble man but we also have the ability to defend a noble man.

You will be contagious...and sometimes the change process might take longer than expected but I promise you the results will be to live for! Change is possible and even when people align you with your past, it won't be for long. Remember, most people are positively so good and make your impact permanent.


  1. Let the light continue to shine brightly through you

  2. this is amazing miss Karungi, lurv it :)
