Don't hang out
with people 'specialised in the murder of dreams' (if you forget anything
below, DO NOT forget this)
I am a
humanitarian through and through, I know how to deal with crisis, I know how to
write a legal text, I know how to create policies, I know how to observe, and I
know how to write a brief! I have gone to school for that and I have been
rewarded with those particular skill sets. I can't say the same for business.
Everything that I have learnt and continue to learn is from my mother. She is
the greatest teacher I've ever had and have. Hashtag truth.
Lessons from mama
1. If you know
you can't live without it, then there's no such thing as quitting. That's NEVER
an option
2. You can't
please everyone; extend this to your clients. You win some and you learn
3. Be
authentic, counterfeits will bring you down and once you've lost trust it's
hard to gain it back.
4. Treat your
employees with respect. Let them know you care about them and make sure there’s
a balance. You have to make them realise that they have a job to do and are
accountable to the boss. Know their names. Have a Rewards program. When people
know that they are working hard and are being rewarded for such hard work,
productivity increases.
5. Support your
employees to grow even if it means they have to move on to the next season of
their lives. Everyone has dreams too. You provide the initial platform.
6. Confidence
is key. (I am still on a journey with
this one)
7. Be
aggressive when need be, also know when that ‘need be’ situation arises. (Yeah
this too, still learning)
8. You can't
wait to be ready to start something, you have to start... You have to start...
9. Know your
market and their tastes, know what they are ready for, what they are not ready
for, and prepare them to be ready for that they are not ready for.
10. If it’s a
business fight it is not personal. (Sensitive Susie needs to take a backseat on
this one)
11. Competition
is healthy, it awakens you to creativity
12. Use your
gut, brain and heart (almost always together)
13. Just
because you fail initially doesn't mean it's not for you...! The secret is in
never giving up
14. Protect
your dream
15. Do what you're
passionate about and learn to do what you ‘NEED to do’, then love what you
‘need to do’. (In most cases what we are passionate about and what we need to
do are two different things. I am passionate about sleep, but I need to work in
order to support myself and my world)
16. Keep a
dollar or 100 dollars in your wallet. Why a dollar? You ask. 1. Its value is
stable. 2. Its value is stable. 3. For motivational purposes (speaking of I
have no dollar in my wallet but I'll go get one in NOW.)
I could write
an entire book about what she's teaching me but I hope these will help you
press on or start something.
business Bex, she's my other business teacher. And ever since I read her
paraphrased savings notes I have not looked back. Let's just say I have some
couple of dollars in my bank to PUSH me to Forbes list.
Steps 1 - 7
below are directly from Business Bex's notes, not a word was changed.
7 steps to Dave
Ramsey's total money makeover. (A plan which I am doing, I’m currently on Step
1): Check him out: (
Step 1 – Save a $1,000 Emergency Fund. An emergency fund is for those unexpected
events in life that you can’t plan for: the loss of a job, an unexpected
pregnancy, a faulty car transmission, and the list goes on and on. It’s not a
matter of if these events will happen - it’s a matter of when.
Step 2 - Pay
off all debt using the Debt Snowball.
List your debts
- excluding the house - in order. The smallest balance should be your number
one priority. Don’t worry about interest rates unless two debts have similar
payoffs. If that’s the case, then list the higher interest rate debt first.
The point of
the debt snowball is simply this: You need some quick wins in order to stay
pumped up about getting out of debt! Paying off debt is not always about math.
It’s about motivation. Personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior.
When you start knocking off the easier debts, you will see results and you will
stay motivated to dump your debt.
Step 3 – Save 3
to 6 months of expenses in savings.
Once you
complete the first two baby steps, you will have built serious momentum. But
don’t start throwing all your “extra” money into investments quite yet. It’s
time to build your full emergency fund. Ask yourself, “What would it take for
me to live for three to six months if I lost my income?” Your answer to that
question is how much you should save.
Use this money
for emergencies only: incidents that would have a major impact on you and your
family. Keep these savings in a money market account.
Step 4 - Invest
15% of household income into Roth IRAs and tax-advantaged retirement accounts.
When you reach
this step, you’ll have no payments—except the house—and a fully funded
emergency fund. Now it’s time to get serious about building wealth.
Dave suggests
investing 15% of your household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement
plans. Don’t invest more than that because the extra money will help you
complete the next two steps: college savings and paying off your home early.
Step 5 -
College funding for children. Save lots
of dollarz for your kids.
Step 6 - Pay
off your house early. No house payment?
Baby Step
7 - Build wealth and give. And this is a legacy-building characteristic.
This was a
great topic during the Hillsong NYC conference. Pastor Brian Houston is a
wealth of knowledge and I found this particularly helpful because if you're
like me, you don't like confrontation and would rather not deal with anything
that will make others uncomfortable. I have included my own examples for
purposes of understanding.
1. The process
of Time in a crisis - don't underestimate the power of doing what's right, and
thinking right in times of crisis
2. Learn to
respond not to react. Take time to cool off and think before you act or speak.
3. Don't get
4. Beware to
human tendency to isolate. You know when you're having the worst time of your
life and you just want to block everyone out, change your name, close your Instagram,
face book etc and be mopey all by yourself? Yeah... Don't isolate yourself for
long, this won't make you feel better, share with someone close to you and work
out a solution.
5. Be human -
at the RIGHT TIME bear your heart. It is okay to let people know where you've
struggled, cried or failed, be human.
6. Focus on the
good things
7. Be WISE as
serpents and harmless as a dove.
8. Man up/Woman
up - beware of your coping desires. Sometimes when we are feeling low we go to
our feel goods aka coping desires. Some eat like gluttons….hellorrrr tighter
clothes, some drink like fish and become absolutely pathetic (do fish drink?),
some just don't leave their beds for a month, others go for the sex-ercise
Olympics, others go to drugs. Whatever your coping desire is, beware of it. It
doesn't make things better, matter of fact it makes things worse and then you
have to re-cope. You don't want that life. Let’s break the cycle, yeah?
9. Get a
trusted confidant. Get a friend for ALL seasons.
10. Bring those
around you on the journey of this life. Do life together and not alone. It's
much better to laugh with people and weep with people than riding solo (That’s
why we don’t know where Iyaz is at the moment, he rode solo). Besides if you
cry together you can point out that one person who has a kim-k cry face. I have
that cry face too. You're welcome.
11. Resolve
what to do. Fix the part that you can. If it's your fault 'I'm sorry is always
a good place to start'. Try to find solutions even if that solution is to 'just
let it be' that's also a solution by the way. Time will give you clarity on how
to proceed.
Vision-vision-vision. Have a vision for your life. I couldn't stress this more!
I hope this was
helpful. I wish you all the best with your visions and dreams and keep
believing that good things are coming your way.
In the meantime
if you’re in Kampala, don’t forget to come for the screening of ‘girl rising’ on
11th December 6:00pm at Piato Restaurant, Nakasero. You’ll meet some
of our incredible warrior women and hear their stories. Tickets go on sale
soon. Follow us on instagram @officialwarriorwomen
for instant updates
What to expect
1. A great life
changing documentary
2. Q&A with
warrior women team
3. Meet the
4. Food
5. Photo booth
6. Come with new
or gently used items to give away
7. Be part of the